I feel like I'm late
This is my first blog entry ever. For someone that has been involved with (and addicted to :) the internet since before it was common place or even a "phenomena", as well as someone that never is lacking in things to say, it feels strange to be getting into blogging so late! But here I am.
There are so many thoughts swirling around in my head right now. My life feels so full, and there are so many threads of interest that I would like to follow - like a big pot of spaghetti, all interwined and messy. I can't help but wonder, do others pack their lives this full and then agonize about how they can't get enough done? Because, let's be honest. I've done this to myself.
I do love my life. I enjoy trying (ok, starting!) new things; I love to be busy. I just frequently have this overwhelming sense sometimes that I can't get on top of it all; that if I were just "better" (at what?) I would be able to manage it all more easily (so that I could fill it up THAT space with more new things, I suppose?). Other days, I just sweep all that mental clutter under a proverbial rug, and everything feels OK. I enjoy the moment...that is what it is all about, right? Just don't look at the big pile in the corner of my head.
Anyway, welcome into my inner world. I have no idea where this will lead...but that is the nature of having a spaghetti life I suppose.
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