Saturday, December 31, 2005

Help! Need to commit

I need some accountability. I swore I would not gain weight over the holidays and I'm up 2 pounds at least. This puts me at 20 pounds over my WW goal which I reached a few years ago. D*mn. I should have signed up for the "maintain, don't gain" program at the fitness club but I really didn't care about the dumb "Got Goals?" T-shirt reward so I thought, why? Well, duh, because someone would have been watching....that's the whole point!

I've already put most of my Christmas chocolate stash in the fridge where it will stay fresh. (How did I have the willpower to not have eaten it yet, you may ask? Well, it wasn't that hard given that I was eating the cookies and fudge from two cookie exchanges, 2 people dropping off plates of cookies, plus the cookies and sweetbread I purchased as a Christmas "treat: for the family (I reasoned that they were whole grain....) and you have to get through those first, you know, so they don't become stale!

So here's my plan. Three parts:

For the next 2 months I want to <uh! look at that waffling language...make that...> I'm going to give up white sugar except for one treat after dinner. And I want to ...I mean, I will only have that treat if I've taken my vitamins and supplements for the day. (The next step may be cutting down on wheat but I'm not there yet :)

I'm also going to drink at least 3 large glasses of water each day (I know I should get more, but for me, that's a more doable goal). I'm going to do this by only allowing myself other drinks (tea and wine particularly) when I'm caught up on water.

And the most easy step, I'm going to exercise several times a week. This is the only goal I've been even close to meeting so I have to put it in here so I know I can have some success!

(As I was writing this, I thought, Wait! I just baked an apple pie last night, maybe I'd better start NEXT week :) Oh, yeah, I can have a slice after dinner...but then what about the CHOCOLATE I had had planned!?! you see it's going to be a long road).

Anyone want to join me?



Blogger Aspiring Queen said...

Hi Lisa,
I just got caught up on your blog again. I'm again very happy you're all fine after your accident. I guess being back to pondering the "little" things is a good sign. Something you can do to not use so much white sugar and still get your treats is to substitute with dates. You soak about the same amount of dates as you would sugar for 20 minutes in a minimum amount of water--just enough to soak them (unless your recipe calls for water, in which case just use as much water as the recipe calls for). When they've soaked, you grind them up (along with the water) in the blender and add to your recipe. It provides sweetness, but it isn't refined sugar. If you have too many sugary treats, you could freeze some of them for later too. I wish you the best in your resolution to keep your eating in check. We always feel better when we're following our plan. My resolution is to keep my spending in check. Take care.

7:08 PM  

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